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The French Journal of Legal Policy is an annual open access journal featuring articles in English. It is supervised by a Reading Committee and a Scientific Advisory Board. Each issue contains five to seven feature articles and one or two book reviews


The French Journal of Legal Policy is published and diffused by Paris Pantheon-Assas University. It aims to circulate original works evidencing high scientific quality at an international level. 


The French Journal of Legal Policy is the work of French and foreign scholars who want to promote new or emerging topics in transnational legal policy. It gathers the best specialists in their field of expertise. It is thus designed for the publication of important contributions supporting the identification of a new concept, a new field of legal research or presenting an objective and detailed position on a main issue of legal policy.

The Journal is therefore designed for an international readership of jurists, practitionners, academics and specialists in all the legal fields that provide a multidisciplinary analysis of the law. They will find in the Journal different cultural approches of issues relating to multiple legal systems.


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